Healthy Chewing Gum Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We have prepared for you the most frequently asked questions from your side (FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions). These questions and answers will be constantly expanding. Every time you contact us with a question that hasn’t been answered yet.

Due to the higher number of questions we receive, we have divided them into several main areas for better clarity. We are here for you. If there’s something you’re interested in that is not covered here, write to us through our email: info (at) healthychewinggum (dot) com.

We will be happy for every question from you. There are no silly questions.
Your team at Healthy Chewing Gum

Our Values

Why choose gum from Healthy Chewing Gum?

Quality gum and emphasizing the originality of the manufacturers are our fundamental pillars. Our moral values and product standards are high. Our approach stems from our own convictions, and we want to convey that to you – our customers. Healthy Chewing Gum aims to bring the customer genuine and unadulterated gum directly from the market. We do not seek the cheapest opportunities in Eastern or Southern markets (in Asia, Africa, South America) to import gum in large bags, repackage them, and label them as our own brand. Then, artificially, we give them a quality stamp and present them as our own products. We do not want to deny value to manufacturers who have invested their know-how for decades into something that means a lot to them. This is now a very common phenomenon in the European continent. We are not advocates of these practices and do not want to participate in them.We offer you well-established brands that have a presence in international markets. Quality, sustainability, and fairness are our cornerstones. We want our manufacturers to be able to provide good conditions for their employees. Our primary goal is not just profit, but also to offer products on the market that we are proud of. We offer you something that we as people have forgotten. Gum without controversial additives, without aspartame, without artificial synthetic ingredients. Healthy gum.

Are our gums sustainable?

Yes. We always strive to make our gums sustainable. Honest Gum (gum from the Australian company Honest Gum) is produced in a traditional way using natural chicle, sustainably harvested natural latex from the Mexican sapodilla tree. Our gums, regardless of the brand, do not contain any harmful substances, no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no preservatives, and no petrochemical bases (aka plastics). When packaging gums, we also aim to use a uniform material (i.e., paper box, paper tape) so that you can easily recycle them. We don’t do it because it’s trendy or because society demands it now. We don’t do it to please you. We do it mainly because it gives us a good feeling, and we firmly believe that it will help our suffering planet. This resonates in everything we do. That’s our philosophy.

Can I compost Honest Gum? Is it biodegradable?

Yes, you can compost it. The gum is biodegradable in approximately 12-15 months.

Do you introduce gums to the market with the original manufacturer’s packaging, i.e., unpackaged?

Yes. We pride ourselves on not bringing goods to the market by buying them in bulk, repackaging them, and creating a new brand and identity for them (as is done by the vast majority of retail chains whose only goal is profit – nothing more). We want to bring products to customers as the manufacturers create them. You invest years of your know-how into a product, and then someone buys it for a pittance and presents it as their own without any respect. We don’t want that. Goods from us are always in the original packaging.


Are the gums you offer in the e-shop really healthy?

Yes, we aim to sell only healthy gums that do not contain controversial ingredients such as aspartame, acesulfame K, BHT and BHA, carmine, brilliant blue FCF, titanium dioxide, sorbitol, and similar. We always emphasize the quality and origin of the gums. Our gums are sweetened only with Xylitol.

Do you offer sugar-free gums? With xylitol?

Yes, it is now commonplace that gums are sugar-free. Many studies have shown that sugar in gums accelerates the occurrence of tooth decay. Therefore, most gums on the market no longer contain sugar. But we go further. Our gums are sweetened with only natural xylitol, which is the best sugar substitute. It has a low glycemic index, contains 40% fewer calories than sugar, and studies have shown that it helps prevent tooth decay. And that’s not all. Learn more about the benefits of xylitol here.

Are gums with xylitol healthy?

Yes, they are very beneficial. If gums are truly sweetened only with xylitol, without other artificial sweeteners, synthetic colors, preservatives, they combine the very beneficial benefits of gums with health-beneficial xylitol. With these gums, you will utilize all the benefits of chewing to 100%. You will reduce the occurrence of cavities for yourself and your children. By chewing these gums, you will increase the natural flow of saliva in your mouth, reduce the occurrence of acids in your mouth, strengthen tooth enamel, and prevent the formation of cavities. And that’s not all.Studies have shown that xylitol can help you achieve a more stable blood sugar level in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. It will also help you with your diet because it contains 40% fewer calories than sugar. When you crave sweetness that you are used to, you can gradually replace it with chewing gum. What many people don’t know is that by chewing our gums, you will reduce ear and yeast infections. According to studies, in children with recurrent ear infections (otitis media), daily use of xylitol-sweetened gums reduced the infection rate by 40%. Xylitol can increase collagen production, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It nourishes friendly bacteria in your intestines.And that’s still not all. Chewing healthy gums will help you with higher concentration, focus, and memory. Even according to studies and we can confirm ourselves, it relieves stress; chewing calms in tense situations. Why do you think some top coaches chew gums or unhealthy tobacco? Chewing is a process that oxygenates the brain and increases your presence.

Can chewing reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases?

Yes, we dare to say that chewing can lead to a reduction in costs for a general practitioner and subsequent treatment (sick leave/treatment/medications and their unhealthy side effects on the body). How is this possible? Chewing increases the natural flow of saliva in the oral cavity, reducing dryness in the mouth, or naturally reducing susceptibility by accelerating regeneration in the oral cavity. In layman’s terms, you lubricate your oral cavity (tongue, gums, throat, esophagus, etc.). Your saliva naturally heals.By chewing, you can reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases. With our gums, you will reduce the occurrence of a runny nose, or you will handle it better. You will reduce the incidence of middle ear infections. Higher temperatures, to which you were accustomed, will visit you less often. Isn’t that fantastic? You can try it yourself, and in a year or even six months of chewing gum, reflect on whether it is indeed true. Try it; you will be pleasantly surprised.

Is it dangerous to swallow gum? For children?

No, don’t worry. It has been proven that there is no problem after swallowing gum. It may only be an unpleasant feeling shortly after swallowing. The gum will pass through the body without any harm to health. Everything you’ve heard about the danger of swallowing gum is just a myth.

Can gums help with dry mouth?

Yes. Chewing gums naturally increase saliva flow. Saliva literally “coats” the oral cavity. Thanks to more saliva, regeneration is started, or dryness in the mouth is prevented.

Can lozenges or spray help with dry mouth?

If you want to bridge a certain period during and after taking antibiotics, during a cold, or after a cold, you can also use our lozenges or sprays designed specifically to overcome dry mouth.Very pleasant is that the use can be anytime during the day. Even if you lie down to bed after brushing your teeth in the evening and find that you have a dry mouth that irritates you to cough, you can use a lozenge for dry mouth, and you don’t have to clean your teeth afterwards. Lozenges are sweetened with xylitol, so they will even protect you from tooth decay. Lozenges for dry mouth can be used at night without remorse.
Zero calories, zero content of classic refined sugar replaced by xylitol.If you have chronic dry mouth, consult your doctor. If it is a short-term matter, use gums, lozenges, and sprays.

Spray is a great tool for your backpack/purse if you’re at work and can’t chew or suck on a lozenge. Within a few seconds, you can spray into your mouth, refresh it, protect your teeth, and get rid of the unpleasant feeling of dry mouth. An elegant solution.

Will I save money by regularly chewing gum on the dentist?

Yes. It is proven by many studies and we have also tested it on ourselves that if you regularly chew our sugar-free gums with xylitol, you can reduce the occurrence of cavities, surface discoloration on teeth, decrease plaque formation, increase natural saliva production, which has a beneficial effect not only on teeth but on the entire oral and ear cavity. You can also get rid of frequently occurring aphthae, dry mouth. Chewing gum naturally induces higher saliva flow, “lubricating” the oral cavity.


Is it true that the taste of healthy gum lasts for a shorter time?

Yes. We don’t hide this bare fact. It’s true. We’ve gotten used to gums with artificial colors, preservatives, flavorings, and similar synthetic additives. These additives have great benefits for manufacturers and, at first glance, for customers. The truth is a bit different.The taste of readily available gum lasts a long time. Yes. Unnaturally long. And you have already gotten used to it and consider it a common standard. But that’s not the case. Everything is redeemed by the fact that if you want the gum to last a long time, it has to be made of plastic, and its taste is extended with artificial additives. No one asked the manufacturers whether these “miraculous” ingredients and the long-lasting taste of gum are redeemed for health. Healthy gum without controversial ingredients does not last as long, but its taste is naturally natural, and the gum and its ingredients do not harm your health. When you buy quality goods, the shelf life is always limited. It’s like with fresh milk. You can buy long-life milk, but you won’t give your body much. Believe me. You can also buy kefir – acidophilic milk, which is full of nutrients your body craves. It’s up to each of us to choose the right food. That it is more expensive is true in today’s world. Quality comes at a price.

Why do you pay a different price for healthy chewing gums than for commonly available ones?

Only the best ingredients without any controversial additives enter our chewing gums. Healthy chewing gums are made with maximum care by manufacturers with years of experience. They constantly improve their production processes. We carefully select manufacturers who share our values. We want to offer our customers the best. You will pay a different price for healthy chewing gums than for the commonly available ones. However, these are gums without chemicals, without aspartame, without synthetic substances that should not be in chewing gums. By purchasing healthy chewing gums, you get gums usually with original recipes – quality, certainty of the manufacturer’s origin knowledge (meaning no repackaging of products, which is a very common phenomenon in our markets), and thus a guarantee of the real composition of the chewing gums, and also the most important thing – excellent taste of the chewing gums! Our priority is chewing gums made traditionally with love for nature. We will always prefer a manufacturer who aims to use only ingredients from nature.


How often should I chew gum?

Chew sugar-free gums sweetened with xylitol for a minimum of 20 minutes right after each meal or drink. Ideally, it is 3-7 times a day. By chewing, you naturally increase saliva flow, reduce the occurrence of cavities, and help the enamel recover from acid attacks. You neutralize plaque acids that damage tooth enamel. This significantly supports dental hygiene. If you suffer from tooth discoloration, chewing gum will significantly help with that.

Can gum help with bad breath?

Yes. Gums increase saliva production, and whenever you need it, they will temporarily freshen your breath and thus reduce bad breath.

Can gum help with dry mouth?

Yes. Chewing gum naturally increases saliva flow. Saliva literally “lubricates” the oral cavity. Thanks to a greater amount of saliva, regeneration is initiated, or dry mouth is prevented.

Can lozenges or spray help with dry mouth?

If you want to bridge some period during and after taking antibiotics, during a cold, or after a cold, you can also use our lozenges or sprays, which are specifically designed to overcome dry mouth.

The nice thing is that they can be used anytime during the day. Even if you lie down in bed after cleaning your teeth in the evening and find that you have dry mouth, irritating you to cough, you can use a lozenge for dry mouth without having to brush your teeth afterward. The lozenges are sweetened with xylitol, so they will even protect you against tooth decay. You can use dry mouth lozenges at night without remorse.

Zero calories, zero content of regular refined sugar replaced by xylitol.

If you already have chronic dry mouth, consult your doctor. If it is a short-term issue, use gums, lozenges, and sprays.

Spray is a great accessory for your backpack/purse, if you are at work and can’t chew or suck a lozenge. Within a few seconds, you spray it into your mouth, impregnate it, improve the taste, protect your teeth, and get rid of the unpleasant feeling of dry mouth. An elegant solution.

Should I chew gum after drinking coffee?

Yes. That is a very good approach. Every coffee should be accompanied by a glass of water and healthy gum. After coffee, it is very beneficial for your teeth to drink a glass of water and ideally chew a sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol for a minimum of 20 minutes. This ensures that coffee or sugar does not cause any problems with your teeth. You prevent problems associated with drinking coffee that are not often talked about.

Should I chew gum after drinking soda?

Yes. Chew gum after soda, after coffee, after any drink that contains dye or sugar. You always return the pH in your mouth to the right values and naturally restore order in your mouth. You flush out acids and protect your teeth from the consequences. Moreover, you will delight your taste buds. After coffee, pleasant climate in the mouth does not stay with anyone. Chewing gum changes that. Plus, you won’t be an unpleasant companion due to bad breath.

Is chewing gum suitable for children?

Yes, chewing is also suitable for children without limits. It is generally known that children can chew from the moment they are able to realize that gum is chewed and not swallowed. Every child can realize it at a different age, and it also depends on the approach and support from the parent at the beginning. A child swallows gum a few times and doesn’t want to repeat it. They learn to prevent it if they understand it.Especially children up to the age of 11 cannot sufficiently discipline themselves to care for their teeth. Don’t blame them for that. Generally, children up to 11 years old cannot do it (except for exceptions). Parents should help children with toothbrushing until this turning age or at least assist them in monitoring regularity and proper cleaning. If you additionally teach children to chew gum after each meal, after sweets, and after sweet drinks, you’ve won. You can consider chewing as a functional means of complementary dental hygiene, through which you combine obligation with fun. What child wouldn’t like to chew sweet gum (sweetened with xylitol, which takes care of teeth)? Children thus protect their teeth from acid attacks by naturally increasing saliva production and can significantly reduce the formation of tooth decay.


Is it true that the taste of healthy gum lasts a shorter time?

Yes. We do not hide this bare fact. It is true. We got used to gums with artificial colors, preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, and similar synthetic additives. These additives have great benefits for the manufacturer and, at first glance, for customers. The truth, however, is a bit different.The taste of commonly available gum lasts very long. Yes. Unnaturally long. And you have already gotten used to it and consider it a common standard. But that’s not true. Everything is redeemed by the fact that if you want the gum to last a long time, it must be made of plastic, and its taste is prolonged by artificial additives. No one asked the manufacturers whether these “miraculous” additives and the long-lasting taste of gum are redeemed by health. Healthy gum without controversial additives does not last that long, but the taste is naturally natural – gum and its ingredients do not harm your health.When you buy quality goods, the shelf life is always limited. It’s like with fresh milk. You can buy long-life milk, but you won’t give much to your body. Believe me. You can also buy kefir – acidophilic milk, which is full of nutrients that your body craves. It’s up to each of us to choose the right food. That it’s more expensive, that’s how it is nowadays. Quality comes at a price.

Do gum cause dental fillings to fall out?

If the dental filling (filling) was done correctly by the dentist, chewing gum or chewing should not, in any case, pull the dental filling (filling) out of the tooth. If this happens, it only indicates an error in execution or poor-quality material. The dental procedure must then be repeated, i.e., filling the tooth cavity.

Does 100% natural gum change its structure in the mouth?

Yes. Another thing to consider. Gums that are labeled as 100% natural are simply natural. They do not contain plastic. When you chew plastic, the gum is constant and unchanged. Natural gums contain a natural base. For example, honest gum contains natural sapodilla sap from a Mexican tree as a base. So you will feel when chewing that the gum is changing its structure. But that’s correct; that’s how it should be. Those who are used to the gum being constant even after 3 hours, I recommend realizing that natural gum does not do that! Count on the fact that you bought nature, not chemistry. When you count on it, you won’t be surprised.

What products do you sell?

Chewing Gum

Natural Chewing Gum

Dry Mouth Lozenges

Dry Mouth Sprays

What flavors of chewing gums do you have?

What flavors of lozenges do you have?

Facts confirmed by Studies

Chewing Gum Can Help with Your Anxiety

In the current times, anxiety has become the most common problem faced by people of all ages. Indeed, everybody cannot go for medical and therapeutic treatment but you will be surprised to know that chewing gum can help with your anxiety and stress. It is one of the simplest and most inexpensive methods to solve your problem. You can take this portable solution with you wherever you go, and chew it whenever you feel anxious and worried. Are you feeling anxious these days? Chewing gum can help with your anxiety.
Find out more in the article – Chewing Gum Can Help with Your Anxiety >

What Happens to Your Body When You Chew Gum Every Day?

Chewing gum has become a common habit in today’s world. But how it affects your overall health could be a question of your health. It offers a quick breath freshener or could be a way to pass your time. In this article, we will discuss what happens to your body when you make chewing gum a daily routine, all of its positive as well as negative aspects and which chewing gums to choose for better oral health. Knowing what happens to your body when you chew gum every day is essential.
Find out more in the article – What Happens to Your Body When You Chew Gum Every Day >

Why Oral Hygiene Matters?

Oral hygiene is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall physical health. Oral hygiene not only protects you from issues such as tooth loss, gum diseases, and cavities but also saves you from other health implications. In this article, we will discuss the main aspects of why oral hygiene impacts your health and what measures to take for a permanent solution.
Find out more in the article – Why Oral Hygiene Matters? >

You Should Start Using Healthy Lozenges: Find out why

Are you tired of constantly dealing with coughs, sore throats, and stuffy noses? It’s time to start using healthy lozenges. Healthy lozenges are more than just candy for your throat. They are packed with beneficial ingredients like herbs, vitamins, and minerals that can help soothe irritation and boost your overall health. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you should start using healthy lozenges and the benefits they can provide. Say goodbye to constant coughing.
Find out more in the article – Tracing the History of Chewing Gum >

Instant Relief for Dry Mouth and Dry Cough

A dry mouth can be a real headache. Whether it’s caused by medication side effects, stress, or just life in general. The discomfort it creates because of frequent coughs is undeniable. Thankfully, we have some things that can provide instant relief – chewing gums, mouth sprays and lozenges. In this article, we will explore the causes of dry mouth and the issues one can face due to this oral health problem.
Find out more in the article – Tracing the History of Chewing Gum >

Tracing the History of Chewing Gum

Have you ever wondered where chewing gum comes from? It’s got a remarkable history, starting way back with ancient folks and ending up with the fabulous flavours we enjoy today. Ancient civilisations like the Greeks, Mayans, and Aztecs had their own versions of gum made from natural substances like tree resin or sap. As time passed, chewing became more flavourful and exciting. But one thing remained the same: the potential health benefits of chewing gum. Want to know more? Let’s delve deeper into tracing the history of chewing gum.
Find out more in the article – Tracing the History of Chewing Gum >

Teeth Whitening with Chewing Gum

Are you trying to achieve shining white teeth without the hassle of complicated procedures? Believe it or not, there’s a simple and enjoyable solution right at your fingertips – chewing gum. In this guide, we’ll explore the relationship between sugar-free gum and teeth whitening. Discover how this daily habit will help you to get whiter teeth without any long procedures.
Find out more in the article – Teeth Whitening with Chewing Gum >

Weight Loss with Chewing Gum

There are so many myths revolving around weight loss. One such myth claims that chewing gum can reduce weight. Is it truly a reality or just another fiction? In this article, we will delve into this claim and will uncover the truth through research-based evidence. Let’s find out how and to what extent chewing gums can aid in weight loss. Stay with us!
Find out more in the article – Weight Loss with Chewing Gum >

How Sweets lead to Tooth Decay

Folks with sweet teeth! Have you ever wondered why dentists stop you from munching those unnecessary sweet candies, chocolates, and chewing gums saying that these will cause tooth decay? If you don’t know how sweets lead to tooth decay, don’t worry. In this article, we are going to break down the relationship between sweets and tooth decay. So, next time you eat any sweet delight, you will be familiar with their impact on your happy and healthy teeth.
Find out more in the article – How Sweets lead to Tooth Decay >

Chewing Gum: Regular vs. Sugar-free

Do you know the different types of Chewing Gum: Regular vs Sugar-free? Most of the time we buy Regular Chewing Gum without knowing what it contains and whether there are better options available for us in the market. In this article, we are going to find out the difference between regular and sugar-free chewing gums. This way when you order chewing gums from an online store or go to your local store, you can make an informed decision!
Find out more in the article – Chewing Gum: Regular vs. Sugar-free >

Chewing Gum for Slimmer Face

In a world where physical appearance has become popular, the search for a sharper jawline and slimmer face seems like a common goal. One intriguing, yet somewhat controversial, method that has garnered attention is the act of chewing gum. Is this claim realistic, or is it just another myth? In this blog, we will explore how you can use chewing gum for a slimmer face and to what extent it can be helpful.
Find out more in the article – Chewing Gum for Slimmer Face >

Why Chew Gum?

Why should you chew gum? Chewing gum isn’t just for blowing bubbles. You can have numerous health benefits. Don’t believe me? Here are some of the scientifically proven benefits of Gums:
Find out more in the article – Why Chew Gum >

What are the 7 rules for healthy teeth?

Everyone knows that good oral hygiene ensures healthy teeth. However, sometimes we get so busy in our lives that we miss some essential oral routines. So what happens when you forget to follow the basic rules for healthy teeth? Big symptoms arise when you are not on the right track of dental hygiene. Before finding the right track, let’s find out if your path is right or wrong.
Find out more in the article – 7 Rules for Healthy Teeth >

Will chewing make my teeth healthier?

Are teeth healthier with or without chewing gum? It’s easy to answer yes, healthy teeth with chewing gum are even healthier. The harder answer is why. And it’s much harder to write it like it is. Teeth are healthier with chewing gum, no doubt. Let’s find out why that is!
Find out more in the article – Healthy Teeth with Chewing Gum >

What are Aspartame Free Chewing Gum?

Aspartame free chewing gum is a relatively new concept that has gained in value with the recent decision of the World Health Organization (WHO). Aspartame was classified for the first time by the IARC as Group 2B, i.e. “potentially carcinogenic to humans”. Food companies and their associations try to downplay this, but aspartame is already in that classification. Nobody is going to do anything about it. So join us in finding out what aspartame is and why you should cut it out of your diet? Why should you chew aspartame-free chewing gum?
Find out more in the article – Aspartame Free Chewing Gum >

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is considered the best substitute for classic (refined) sugar. It is a sugar that occurs naturally in nature. And this also corresponds to what science has found out about him so far. It is the best sugar substitute that has no competition. Xylitol, or birch sugar, is extracted from birch trees or certain types of fruit. Unlike traditional sugar, Xylitol helps your teeth to avoid tooth decay. It has many health benefits. Therefore, we recommend consuming sugar-free chewing gum with xylitol (only with it). Not every chewing gum with xylitol contains only itself. Manufacturers often put other artificial sweeteners in there as well.
Find out more in the article – Xylitol >

What is Healthy Chewing Gum?

Healthy chewing gum is a phrase or label (definition) that is not yet in use. We can see it in the USA, but people in the Czech Republic or in Europe do not know about these chewing gums. But you have options to change it. You will find out that healthy chewing gum exists and you will know exactly what to imagine under this term. Chewing itself is a very healthy process. And if you also choose suitable chewing gum – healthy chewing gum, it will have an amplified effect. What do you mean by “healthy chewing gum”? Let’s go!
Find out more in the article – Healthy Chewing Gum >

What is Chewing gum?

Chewing gum is a snack spread all over the world. For the past many years, it has been so accessible to people in the commodity market that it has been forgotten. It is unconsciously considered a commonly available commodity, nothing interesting. But the opposite is true. The health benefits of chewing gum are huge considering the price and size. And that’s why we started dealing with chewing gum as such. We would like to show you its beauty and benefits for you and your children, which you can enjoy in full for a few crowns.
Find out more in the article – Chewing Gum >

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