How to whiten teeth more effectively

The image shows a a before and after comparison of teeth, with the left mouth showing yellow teeth and the right mouth showing white teeth | For article: How to whiten teeth most effectively | For website: | Source: shutterstock

Unlike other dental conditions, yellow teeth are not an urgent medical situation. But,  yellow teeth can make you feel less confident and less likely to smile. You would be glad to know that whitening teeth can be as simple as changing your dietary habits. Tips for getting white teeth range from avoiding certain foods to occasional brushing. In this article, you will find the various reasons why teeth can appear yellow. We will further highlight important natural methods that can help slow down and possibly reverse this process.

| Tips to whiten your teeth | Things to avoid to keep your teeth white | Why do teeth turn yellow | Conclusion | References |

Tips to whiten your teeth 

There are many natural methods for teeth whitening at home. They help remove stains and protect tooth enamel. Some ways for teeth whitening at home are explained below:

1. DIY techniques: Oil Pulling and Baking Soda

People often recommend using oils and baking soda to whiten your teeth. Oil pulling means washing your mouth with oil to remove debris and bacteria as oils are often described as antimicrobial. It is done by rinsing your mouth with oil for 20 minutes after brushing, then spitting it out. Baking soda is considered a safe and natural cleanser which can reduce plaque and help fight bacteria. When you brush your teeth, it can be added to your toothbrush.

Although studies [1] show that these natural remedies like baking soda and oils are safe to use for teeth, there is no solid evidence that proves their efficiency.

2. Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips are a popular dental product. They help remove teeth stains and whiten teeth. They contain chemicals like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is known as a bleaching agent in removing stains. These chemicals are safe and effective according to American Dental Association [2].

3. Teeth whitening paste

There are several teeth whitening pastes available in the market like Curaprox Edel+white whitening, Curasept Whitening, Opalescence, Sensodyne Pronamel, Crest 3D White, Boha Whitening Toothpaste, etc. These pastes use mild abrasives to rub away surface stains and polish the teeth. With regular use and good brushing habits, teeth-whitening pastes can help remove daily surface stains. While they can prevent further darkening of teeth, they cannot alter the damage already done to your teeth.

4. Brush teeth regularly (The most effective teeth whitening)

The most effective teeth whitening tip is to brush your teeth more effectively and more frequently. Poor brushing habits can also lead to tooth staining. Regular teeth brushing prevents plaque buildup and helps keep your teeth healthy for a brighter smile.

Studies recommend brushing your teeth in the morning before breakfast and brushing after dinner before going to bed. It is ideal to brush your teeth 30 minutes after a meal [3]. Use an ample amount of your trusted teeth whitening paste brand. 

5. Teeth whitening chewing gum 

A simple and enjoyable solution to achieve teeth whitening is chewing gum. To learn more about sugar-free chewing gum and teeth whitening, check out how you can achieve teeth whitening with chewing gum

Things to avoid to keep your teeth white 

1. Avoid foods that stain teeth (The best natural teeth whitening)

Eliminating foods and beverages that stain teeth can prevent further staining. Foods and beverages that contain tannins can stain the teeth (like coffee, tea, wine, soda drinks, etc.). Acidic foods can make teeth look yellow (like lemon, vinegar, etc.). The natural teeth whitening strategy is to avoid the consumption of such foods [4]. You should always brush your teeth after having these foods/ beverages. 

2. Avoid smoking 

Smoking and chewing tobacco are causing chronic staining of teeth. They also lead to tooth decay and other dental diseases. It may be difficult to avoid smoking. But if you have concerns about your stained teeth, it is time for you to quit smoking. 

3. Turmeric 

Turmeric is another natural remedy that has been around for thousands of years. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Turmeric is popular for its bright yellow color. But the compound curcumin is valuable for its whitening properties [5]. This compound is present in turmeric. Simply mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with 1/4 teaspoon of melted coconut oil and use it as a toothpaste. 

4. Increase Calcium Intake 

Calcium is the major component of our teeth. By getting enough calcium in our diet, the outer layer of our enamel strengthens. It acts as a shield against bacteria and acid which cause tooth yellowing. For this purpose, you can add calcium-rich foods to your diet (like dairy products, leafy green vegetables, orange juice, etc.). Alternatively, you can also take calcium supplements after discussing it with your dentist.

5. Keep a good oral hygiene 

The most natural tooth whitening method is to keep good dental health. This includes

  • regular brushing
  • regular interdental brushing/flossing
  • using a tongue scraper
  • using mouthwash
  • protecting your teeth from bacteria, chemicals, and acids

By keeping your teeth healthy, you can avoid yellowing and prevent future oral problems. You can find out more about oral hygiene on why oral hygiene matters?

Why do teeth turn yellow 

1. Wear 

The outer layer of teeth includes enamel. It is an almost white-colored compound and protects the teeth. Dentin is a yellow-brown layer of tissue beneath enamel. When the enamel thins or wears away, the dentin makes the teeth look yellow or darker. 

2. Smoking

Nicotine and tar from smoking leave yellowish or brownish stains on the surface of your teeth.

3. Foods 

Various foods stain teeth. Tomatoes in pasta sauce and curry spices contain pigments that stick to tooth enamel. As a result, staining occurs. Balsamic vinegar can also leave a color on your teeth.

4. Drinks 

Coffee and tea are the most common causes of yellow teeth [6]. Other than that red and white wine are also causing this staining. Dark and light sodas, sports drinks with artificial flavorings, and energy drinks also cause yellow teeth surfaces.

5. Poor dental hygiene

When you don’t clean your teeth properly, stains become persistent, and plaque forms. Plaque can cause yellow teeth and stains.

6. Medication 

Antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline may cause teeth to turn yellow. Teeth stains can also be caused by mouthwash formulas that contain chlorohexidine. Antihistamines, drugs for high blood pressure, and mental drugs are some potential causes for staining teeth. 

7. Dental materials

Some dental materials contain silver sulfide like amalgams. They can discolor teeth. 

8. Age

Teeth turn yellow with age. This is due to the wearing of enamel due to chewing and exposure to acids from food and drinks. Most teeth turn yellow as this enamel thins with age.


Many people experience having yellow teeth. However, this does not have to be a permanent problem. Depending on the cause there are many home remedies for whitening your teeth at home. It is important to remember that good oral hygiene is necessary for good dental health. You can achieve a brighter smile in no time by following these simple and effective tips. Consistency is the key when it comes to maintaining white teeth naturally.


[1] Stain removal and whitening by baking soda dentifrice –

[2] Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are safe and effective according to American Dental Association –

[3] Brushing before and after a meal –

[4] A review on natural teeth whitening – 

[5] Tooth whitening: what we know –

[6] Efficacy of tooth whitening using natural products in vitro –

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