Tracing the History of Chewing Gum

A girl warrior holding a lance and an armor blowing a chewing gum against a dark brown background | For article: Tracing the History of Chewing Gum | For website: | Source: shutterstock

Have you ever wondered where chewing gum comes from? It’s got a remarkable history, starting way back with ancient folks and ending up with the fabulous flavours we enjoy today. Ancient civilisations like the Greeks, Mayans, and Aztecs had their own versions of gum made from natural substances like tree resin or sap. As time passed, chewing became more flavourful and exciting. But one thing remained the same: the potential health benefits of chewing gum. Want to know more? Let’s delve deeper into tracing the history of chewing gum.

| How Ancient Civilisations Discovered Chewing Gums | Gum: A Revolution in Chewing | Wrigley and Fleer: Innovating to Popularity | Chewing Gum: A Comforting Companion in Wartime | The Future of Chewing Gum | Conclusion | References |

How Ancient Civilisations Discovered Chewing Gums

Chewing Gum’s history is a fascinating journey that reaches back to the ancient civilisations and various Native American tribes. Those cultures discovered the joy of chewing gum on natural substances like tree resin, birch bark tar, and sap. This discovery must have been incidental. But once they discovered it, it became a permanent part of human civilisation because of its benefits. The Mayans, for instance, would chew chicken, a resin derived from the sapodilla tree, to stave off hunger during times of scarcity. [1] Similarly, the Aztecs had their version of gum made from the sap of sapodilla tree-like corn husk. They used it for enjoyment and even as a breath freshener. Thus, the purpose of chewing gums was different, but its necessity was felt across civilisations. 

The first-ever use of chewing gum dates back to around 9,000 years ago in natural extracts like tree resin. The modern version of chewing gum, the one we know today, took shape in the 19th century, particularly in the 1860s, marking the official start. 

In those ancient times, chewing gum was used as it served various purposes for those people, just like it does for us today. Here’s a look at why Chewing Gum was used in ancient times:

Medicinal Purposes

Some ancient cultures used naturally extracted chewing gum for medicinal properties. They found by experience that these natural gums can alleviate ailments such as headaches or stomach issues. It helped them improve digestion, as well as dental health.

Stress Relief

Chewing gum was also used as a stress-relieving activity. The act of chewing was considered calming and it helped people relax or alleviate tension. So when you grab a gum before your exam, you must know that your ancient forefathers did the same before hunting. 

Breath Freshening

 Chewing Gum was a way to freshen breath. The natural ingredients or flavours used in the gum could eliminate unpleasant odours in the mouth.


 In many societies, chewing gum served as a pastime or entertainment. It provided something to do in idle moments and was often enjoyed socially among community members.

However, from these ancient roots to the industrialised production we see today, chewing gum has evolved into a global phenomenon. Today, the benefits of chewing have evolved into diverse fields. The researchers have found that chewing gum helps not only in oral health maintenance but also in weight loss and a slimmer face.

This is how Chewing gum originated. Let’s find out how it eventually evolved into the Modern Chewing Gum. 

Gum: A Revolution in Chewing 

The journey from tree resin to modern Chewing Gum is quite impressive! In older times, ancient civilisations used to chew sticky resins, which had gum-like properties. In the 19th century, Thomas Adams tried to turn chicle into tires (yes, tires!) But he failed. Meanwhile, he noticed that people in Mexico like to chew it with a lot of interest. That lightbulb moment led him to create the first mass-produced chewing gum using chicle (a natural gum obtained from sapodilla trees, commonly used in making Chewing Gums). Soon, flavours were added, like mint and fruit, making it more enjoyable than relying on tree resin.

From then on, various innovations improved gum’s taste, texture, and even bubble-blowing capabilities. So, while we no longer chew tree resins directly, we owe today’s delightful chewing gum to those sticky beginnings! What comes next gives the Chewing Gum a modern twist.

Wrigley and Fleer: Innovating to Popularity 

Wrigley and Fleer did something unique – they made Chewing Gum super famous!

Firstly, Wrigley introduced innovative marketing strategies, such as offering chewing gum as an incentive purchase and doing extensive advertising campaigns. On the other hand, Fleer’s reason for popularity is the creation of the first bubble gum, “Double Bubble”, which became a sensation with its unique flavours and fun appeal [2]. Both of these personalities contributed to creative marketing, product innovation, and meeting consumer preferences for chewing gum.

Despite being a creation of older times, who knew Chewing Gum would be chewed during wartime? Well, It’s time to uncover this exciting story of Chewing Gum being part of every soldier’s ration.

Chewing Gum: A Comforting Companion in Wartime 

Are you aware that Chewing Gum played an unexpected role in wartime history? By the 1940s, Chewing Gum became attached to patriotism and civic duties when global conflicts dominated the world. Unsurprisingly, Chewing Gum found its unique place in wartime also. Almost every field ration of American troops had a pack of Chewing Gum.

Small amounts of creature comforts like Chewing Gum, Chocolate, and cigarettes were added to the field ration, which kept the soldiers sane for a good time. It was calculated that approximately 630 sticks of gum were chewed by US servicemen and women in the 1940s [3]. As a result, many advertisements of Chewing Gum started to take place with a message of patriotism, often featuring soldiers referring to Chewing Gum’s connection to wartime efforts.

The Future of Chewing Gum

Back in the day, gum was just okay, nothing special. But then some brilliant people came along and changed everything! They added flavours, made it last longer and even figured out how to make it suitable for your teeth. Also, the future trends in the chewing gum industry will likely revolve around health-conscious formulations and innovative flavours. Brands are expected to focus more on eco-friendly packing

Additionally, there’s a growing demand for sugar-free and aspartame-free options catering to health-conscious people. Xylitol will also maintain its popularity due to its dental benefits, like cavity prevention and enamel protection. Innovation in functional gums, such as those offering oral health benefits or stress relief, are also anticipated.

That’s the rise of modern chewing gum – making it awesome and loved by everyone!


Chewing gum’s story, starting from ancient civilisations to modern markets, spans ages of enjoyment, innovation, and cultural significance. Its evolution reflects a journey of pleasure, health, and adaptation to changing times, shaping a vibrant industry catering to diverse preferences. 


[1] Chewing gum has been chewed since ancient times –

[2] Wrigley and Fleer are the founders of the modern chewing gum industry –

[3] Chewing Gum was added to field ration for American troops during wartime –

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