
We love chewing gum. We know what a wonderful benefit they have on human health and psyche. We have gotten used to the fact that chewing gum is a common commodity and we have forgotten why we chew it, what all such small things as chewing gum bring us. We would like to show you their beauty and indisputable advantages again.

The picture shows a view into the life of ancient humans who are sitting around fire and eating | For article: History of Chewing | For website: | Source: shutterstock

History of Chewing: Sage, Clove, Houseleek and …

Ever thought about where chewing started? Chewing, or mastication, is a basic part of human life. This process has a long history from ancient times to today’s chewing gum. Chewing mattered a lot in human societies, using old herbs and special spices. It goes beyond just breaking food for digestion. Chewing involves cultural habits and …

History of Chewing: Sage, Clove, Houseleek and … Read More »

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