What do Chewing Gums Contain and What should you Avoid? 

The image shows two chewing gums placed on the palm of a hand, captured against the background which is colored half pink and half grey | For article: What do chewing gums contain and what should you definitely avoid? | For website: healthychewinggum.com | Source: shutterstock

Chewing gum has a long and interesting history. People of all ages across the globe, enjoy chewing gum as a snack. Generally, people think that chewing gum has no adverse effect on health. However, this is not the truth. Therefore, you should know what goes into this treatment is more important than ever. In this article, we will cover some common ingredients found in chewing gum and why it’s essential to know what you’re chewing on. We will further highlight the key ingredients you need to avoid while buying chewing gums. 

| Common Ingredients in Chewing Gum | What to Avoid in Chewing Gum | Potential Health Concerns | Wrapping it Up | References |

Common Ingredients in Chewing Gum

Chewing gum ingredients vary but typically include gum base, sweeteners, flavourings, softeners, preservatives, and colouring agents.

1. Gum Base

The gum base forms the chewy texture of gum. It’s usually a blend of elastomers, resins, fats, emulsifiers, and waxes. These components provide the structure that allows the chewing of gum. Furthermore, it works for extended periods without disintegrating. There are three types of rubber bases:

  • a plastic one (most commonly used in chewing gum),
  • a plastic-free version (for example Xylichew), and
  • a natural gum base (Honest Gum and Gud Gum). 

2. Sweeteners

Today, people sweeten chewing gum with various sweeteners, including sugar, artificial sweeteners, and natural sweeteners. Sugar is used in the form of either sucrose or glucose. It provides sweetness but also contributes to dental issues like cavities. While, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, maltitol, mannitol, isomalt and sorbitol offer sweetness without the added calories. However, artificial sweeteners are often associated with oral health problems. Therefore, the best alternative is the use of natural sweeteners like xylitol, erythritol, and stevia.

3. Flavorings

Flavorings give chewing gum its distinct taste. These can be natural or artificial. Natural flavors are derived from sources like fruits, mint, or spices, while artificial flavors are synthesized in a lab to mimic natural flavors. Mint, fruit, and gum are some common flavor options [1].

4. Softeners

Softeners are added to chewing gum to enhance its texture and make it easier to chew. Some softeners used in chewing gum include Glycerol, vegetable oil, and lanolin. These ingredients are added because they prevent the gum from becoming too hard or brittle.

5. Preservatives

Preservatives are added to prolong the shelf life of chewing gum. It works by preventing the growth of mould and bacteria. Mostly, BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) are used in commonly available chewing gums. However, these substances have adverse health implications and therefore, should not be used in chewing gums. While buying chewing gums, you must read the ingredients list to check out the use of preservatives.

6. Coloring Agents

Coloring agents are used to give chewing gum its vibrant colors. These colors can be natural or artificial. While natural colorings come from plants, fruits, or vegetables, artificial colorings are artificially produced.

What to Avoid in Chewing Gum

High Sugar Content

Chewing gum with high sugar content can cause dental issues like cavities and tooth decay. This happens when bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar from gum, they produce acids that erode tooth enamel. Opting for sugar-free gum or gums with natural sweeteners can help reduce this risk [2].

Why you need to use Chewing Gum without Aspartame

Some chewing gums use artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, sorbitol, maltitol, or mannitol. They provide sweetness without the calories. However, these sweeteners have been linked to controversial health effects. There are concerns about their impact on metabolism, and gut health. Choosing gums with natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol or xylitol may be a safer alternative (These gums are often referred to as Aspartame Free Chewing Gum. But always take into account that they should contain especially these healthy alternatives exclusively, but not in a mix with other low-quality synthetic sweeteners such as the already mentioned sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, etc. and not even in small quantities).

Synthetic Flavorings with Potential Allergens

Synthetic flavorings are often used in chewing gum without aspartame to create a variety of appealing tastes. While they range from fruity to minty in taste, these artificial flavorings may contain allergens or trigger sensitivities in some individuals.

Additives Linked to Health Risks

Certain additives commonly found in chewing gum have been linked to health risks. For instance, preservatives like BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) have raised concerns due to their possible association with health issues like cancer and hormonal disruptions. Similarly, some colorings used in gums may have adverse effects on health. Avoiding gums with these additives or choosing alternatives is the right strategy.

Potential Health Concerns

  • Sugar in chewing gum can contribute to tooth decay and cavities. This happens because bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar, producing acids that erode tooth enamel [3].
  • Artificial sweeteners impact metabolism, and gut health, and even have carcinogenic properties.
  • Synthetic flavorings used in chewing gum may contain allergens that can trigger sensitivities or allergic reactions. Ingredients like artificial fruit flavors may contain compounds that mimic natural flavors but could also cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.
  • BHT is used as a preservative in chewing gum to extend shelf life by preventing the growth of mold and bacteria. However, it has been linked to cancer and hormonal disruptions.
  • Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in sugar-free chewing gum as a low-calorie alternative to sugar. As of 7/14/2023, Aspartame has been classified as a “potentially carcinogenic substance” (group 2B) by the World Health Organisation [4]. Regulatory agencies like the FDA have deemed aspartame safe for consumption within recommended limits, but concerns persist among some consumers regarding its possible long-term effects. Thus, it is advisable to use Chewing Gum without Aspartame.

Wrapping it Up!

If you know what is present in your chewing gum without aspartame, you can make better decisions for your life. You need to avoid sugar-containing gums as they contribute to excessive caloric intake along with dental issues. This is because chewing gums with artificial sweeteners affects hormonal health and preservatives also cause negative health outcomes. Therefore, always check the labels carefully and choose healthier gums. You can browse from our collection of healthy chewing gums, for which we place high demands on quality!


[1] Hazards of flavoring agentshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573534/

[2] Effect of sugar-free and sugar-containing gums – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3469898/

[3] Sugar-free chewing gums and dental caries – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4327235/

[4] Aspartame has been classified as a “potentially carcinogenic substance” by WHO – https://www.who.int/news/item/14-07-2023-aspartame-hazard-and-risk-assessment-results-released.

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